Social Value Summary Updates 2024

Read all about the latest social value and charitable projects and activities that have been undertaken by AD and our staff.

Social Value Summary Updates 2024

Summary - 

Some of the most recent notable Social Value Contributions:

  • Look Ahead - Domestic Violence Support Centre and Office - AD redecorated the office, reception, WC and communal spaces used by the Domestic Violence Advisors who support the local community; to create a brighter cleaner more functional environment for the staff and service users of the facility.
  • Learning and Disability Service Project - Gravesend – Look Ahead – Complete refurbishment of a property and grounds, to support Look Ahead residents. One section is a three-person shared home with spacious bedrooms for each customer and shared communal facilities for socialising. The other is a self-contained one-person lower ground floor flat, to support an individual to gradually settle into their new home and life with a comfortable space of their own, but with access to the communal areas as well.
  • Secret Santa Appeal - £600 Donation for Look Ahead
  • Days Lane School – Sensory Room - AD and FFT assisted Days Lane School with the creation of a sensory room for their students. AD’s team attended site for 4 days during the Easter Holidays to bring an old storage area into use as a brand-new sensory room.
  • Central and Cecil - Colville Court - AD provided and fitted brand new carpeting for the community lounge for the residents at Colville Court.
  • Hyde - Good Neighbours Community Christmas Event - AD provided 7 volunteers and a chemical toilet for the Good Neighbours Christmas Event on Sunday 17th December. Total Volunteer Hours: 38
  • Petworth Community Garden - Sponsor a Plot - £300 donation.
  • Southern Housing - Donated Hampers and Gifts for a Raffle - SH sheltered scheme for residents over 55+ “Getting To Know You (GTKY)”. Raising a large sum for breast cancer awareness and providing some exciting gifts for the scheme residents to win.


Look Ahead

Domestic Violence Support Centre and Office

AD redecorated the office, reception, WC and communal spaces used by the Domestic Violence Advisors who support the local community; to create a brighter cleaner more functional environment for the staff and service users of the facility.


Learning and Disability Service Project

Read all about the great work taking place to help those with complex needs live more independently.

Secret Santa Appeal

Read all about the wonderful Christmas parties and events that took place funded by LA’s corporate partners - raising over £17,000 - of which every pound received went to the children, families, and adults in their services.



Days Lane School – Sensory Room

AD and FFT assisted Days Lane School with the creation of a sensory room for their students. AD’s team which included Eamon McGuire (Multi-trader) and Owen Baker attended site for 4 days during the Easter Holidays to bring an old storage area into use as a brand new sensory room. AD arranged and paid for the electrical upgrades required, then team AD set about repairing and redecorating the room ready for the sensory furniture and fittings which had been generously provided by FFT to be installed in place ready for the students return to school after the holidays.

From storage space to sensory room.


‘’I just wanted to send a quick note this morning to thank you and your operatives for being involved in the social value project at Days Lane…the school are thrilled and can’t wait to share the space with the children.”


Social Mobility and Employment Opportunity

Bexley Apprenticeship Event - 2x staff – 7 hours total attendance – over 50+ students directly advised about apprenticeship roles within the local area and industry.  

Mentoring Circles - CEO – delivered 3x 2 hour ‘Mentoring Circles’ sessions for Dartford Job Centre. 12 candidates seeking employment were mentored by Steve during these sessions.

Apprenticeship Week - AD’s Head of HR attended Dartford Job Centre to speak with 12 apprenticeship candidates [as part of our Apprenticeship Week activities] to explain all about apprenticeships, answer questions and discuss the application processes for interested attendees.

NEETS (and over 25s) Recruitment Event - YMCA Dartford – Recruitment Fair and Speed Interviews – over 40 + long term unemployed / returners to the workforce / supported residents were interviewed and advised about employment opportunities at AD and offered fast track interviews for roles they were interested in applying for.

Supported Residents Recruitment - Hired a Shaw Trust service user referral into full time employment - Shaw Trust is a charity helping to transform the lives of young people and adults across the UK and internationally. Their specialist services help people gain an education, enter work, develop their career, improve their wellbeing or rebuild their lives.


Central and Cecil

Colville Court

AD provided and fitted brand new carpeting for the community lounge for the residents at Colville Court.



Good Neighbours Community Christmas Event

AD provided 7 volunteers and a chemical toilet for the Good Neighbours Christmas Event on Sunday 17th December.

“Words cannot describe how amazing you all were. Thank you once again AD team, absolutely knocked it out of the park”

Total Volunteer Hours: 38


Help families without cooking facilities make toast

“We are over the moon; the toasters have arrived, and we can start to give them out to families with nothing. We are delighted with the speed you turned this offer into a delivery. It was a real pleasure to work with AD Construction Group”


Petworth Community Garden - Sponsor a Plot

Nick’s Story: Nick is a long-term unemployed resident in his late 40s who lives with his elderly uncle. He is clinically overweight, suffers from depression and anxiety, had very low confidence and had very low energy and motivation, and little prospect of employment.

Nick was unmotivated in life when he first came to the gardening project and never saw anyone other than his elderly uncle. However, he has made many friends in since attending, and really enjoys each session. He enjoys helping other people and is very good with all the participants, showing a real development in social and caring skills and participation.

“Since I've been coming here, I've been sleeping better each night. I enjoy coming and working at the garden and it's given me more structure and activity, a better routine. It makes me feel I can really achieve something more.”

Charlie’s Story: Charlie recently dropped out of Chichester College due to family problems at home. His dad had a stroke which left him with extremely limited mobility. His mum struggled to cope, and Charlie felt responsible for his family at the age of just 17.

Charlie joined the gardening project in 2018, feeling lost and without direction. His confidence was low, and he didn’t really see anyone apart from his family.

However, being involved with the community garden gave Charlie purpose, and he enjoyed meeting new people and working with them to grow produce and help with gardening tasks. This gave him new-found confidence, and he has now secured a full-time customer services job.


Educational Visit – My Professional Self Programme

10 expert volunteer hours.

AD were invited to support the University of Portsmouth’s ‘My Professional Self Programme’ delivered to Year 9 students as part of their outreach programme. Aims were to increase young people’s self-awareness, confidence and ability to positively present themselves in situations such as college or university applications and future job interviews.

Out of the 38:

  • 4 were in receipt of free school meals
  • 4 had a declared disability
  • 2 were looked after by local authority care
  • 33 live in POLAR quintiles 1&2, meaning they live in areas of the lowest higher education participation rates
  • 100% of the students said they would recommend to other young people
  • Majority referenced these skills being referenced in job interviews in the future

"The thing I found most useful was pushing my comfort zone and being able to talk to new people"

"I like that I had the opportunity to speak out loud about my skills and qualities“


Southern Housing

Donated Hampers and Gifts for a Raffle

SH sheltered scheme for residents over 55+ “Getting To Know You (GTKY)”.

Raising a large sum for breast cancer awareness and providing some exciting gifts for the scheme residents to win.

Charitable Support and Activities

ellenor Hospice – London Marathon - a member of AD staff completed the London Marathon with an outstanding time of 3.41 and raised over £3,600 - contributing to the total raised by ellenor runners which is currently almost £21,000. An amazing achievement and a huge contribution to the vital funds raised that help ellenor support our local community.

ellenor Hospice - Hyde Park 10K in September – A huge team of AD staff will be taking part in the Hyde Park 10k as part of our charitable partner support activities and well being programmes. Please sponsor our teams if you can to help make a difference for this amazing charity which supports local communities in their time of need.

Look Ahead – The London Homeless Collective – London Walk - A team from AD took part with Look Ahead Care and Support in The London Walk - in support of The London Homeless Collective. and raised £600 for this important charity.

World Child Cancer - Ambassadors Summer Quiz – AD are annual sponsors of the WCC and their fundraising events - 37 teams took part in the quiz in May and AD came a respectable 27th. Congratulations to the team from Pilon for winning the prestigious Ambassadors Cup and Pinnacle Group who won the Wooden Spoon Trophy. The event raised over £25,000 for children living with cancer.

WCC Winter Quiz - Headline sponsorship - the event raised £44,000 for the charity. 

Swanley Community Food Hub Support (At Elim Church)

AD made a £1,000 donation for them to purchase food supplies and held an office food drive for staff to donate items for distribution. Over 100 food parcels (which feed a family of 4) are provided free of charge each week; therefore providing nourishment for over 1,600 people per month. 


Hyde Housing - Via Match my Project 

Wincott St Hub Refurbishment.

"Thank you and the team for painting and decorating our rooms at Wincott St Hub last week - looks amazing! I'm sorry  I couldn't be there on the final day to say thanks in person to the apprentices -  but please pass on our gratitude if you're able."

Sponsorship of the HCT 40th Birthday Event

An event to raise funds for Hyde Charitable Trust. 

Women's Refuge Garden Improvements 


Hornsey Lane Community Centre - facilities improvements and refurbishments and then Christmas Donations of toys, food and gifts for the local community. 

Look Ahead 

Raised £7,280 for Look Ahead with AD's annual charity golf event. The funds have benefitted four schemes with improved facilities, essentials packs, training sessions and support for customers.

West Kent - we gave a £1,000 grant to Swanley Community Hub, which provides food to people in need in Swanley. We also repainted the activity rooms at the Eden Centre, used by West Kent's HOUSE youth project. 


Central and Cecil - Christmas Lunch Party.


Donation to GDS who undertook a 20 mile hike in the south downs - fundraising for the Childhood Tumour Trust.

£2,500 contribution to the PTSD Team Pyrenees challenge.

£500 donation towards Peabody's Rowing challenge for St Mungo's. 

£2,000 sponsor donation (and volunteers at the event) to support ellenor's 2 Christmas patient lunch events. 

Local Educational Support

Supported an event called 'Race to the Line' at Kemnal College.